Monthly Archives: December 2011

3rd 60 – Merry Christmas


Just a quick post while my Pumpkin Butterscotch Bundt Cake is baking and the house smells soooooo good!

Thanks to all of you that follow my blog. I wish each and everyone of you the holiday of your dreams.

Here’s what I’m going to do:

  • Don’t stress – Eat what I want
  • Make veggies the major portion on my plate
  • Have a little, maybe two bites, of each dessert
  • Look forward with joy to a nice long walk with friend and family – get as many of you as possible to go.
  • Remember that I’ve made great progress this year – I’m comfortable in my clothes – that says it all to me.
  • Focus on enjoying my friends and family and not on the food.

Love Peace and Joy to you all!!

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3rd 60 – Eating Well – What does that mean?


In a nutshell, eating well means giving your body the nutrients it needs so you do not experience cravings. If you are experiencing cravings, your body is reacting to a lack.

Pizzaria meatball sub - a typical anytime meal

Before juicing I used to get terrible cravings.  I jokingly called it being peckish, but it was not a joke – I needed food, preferably carb-based – a sandwich, pizza, pasta or a combination of any of those.  I had to eat something every 2 to 3 hours or I’d get head achy and irritable.

No wonder I was head achy and irritable, my body was getting waaaay more calories than it needed, but not the nutrition it needed. Refined flours, cheese, breaded ground meat and a little tomato sauce. And that was a very typical meal for me and I could eat the whole thing in one meal, too. Yikes, no wonder I was fat and miserable.

One of my standard juice recipes: Kale, spinach, peppers, cucumber, celery, carrots, apple, lemon and ginger.

Juicing broke that viscous cycle because my body was addicted to the sugar burst digesting carbs provided. Juicing gave my body the real nutrients it needed and helped me break the carb cravings. After only a few days of my body getting the nutrients it really needed all the cravings were gone. Period. Wow.

Eating well even and especially if you are only juicing, is having a variety of mostly plant based foods like vegetables, fruits and mushrooms. When I say mostly, I mean veggies make up 75% to 95% of your plate every meal. When I say variety, I mean lots of different kinds of veggies – green is sooooo important and green is so much more than only broccoli or green beans. Spinach, cucumbers, asparagus, cabbage, brussel sprouts, kale, celery, peas, lettuce, avocado – and so many others!!

Rainbow Salad - good for you on so many levels including being pretty enough for a princess!


And other colors, too. Colorful carrots, onions, beets, eggplant, swiss chard, beans, tomatoes, peppers, radishes, turnips, corn. You might like to make an adventure of it and each week, pick something from the produce aisles you’ve never had before. Talk to your grocer or go online and google recipes with the new veggie treasure – you might be in for a wonderful surprise!

I will have bread or cheese or meat or pasta, but these things make up the small percent of my food rather than the larger.


With a salad like this or a soup like that you’ll have the energy and positive outlook that will make you and your life its best!

Super Soup: Kale, carrots, turnips, lentils, onion, garlic, cinnamon & turmeric

3rd 60 – New Computer Station


Its been tough to get out there and get my training in for the Warrior Drive 5 – the weather has been soupy wet and cold. So one of the things I’ve been contemplating is my computer work station.

This is a stock image for my old station

My old one looked like this when it was opened. When it was new and closed up, it looked like a high end cherrywood armoire. It locked so when I had quests or I was going out of town I felt a little more secure about general snooping.

However – I’ve moved 5 times since I got this and each move took its toll on the old girl. The key broke off in the lock. The work space section on the right completely broke off from the main unit and could not be closed. None of the door sections closed nicely because the whole thing was a bubble or two off plumb. The filing drawer wouldn’t stay closed and just in general, all the crap I’d accumulated and “kept handy” was just cluttered up and closing over me. I’ve felt a bit stifled.


Ta-da! the new rolltop desk station - on rollers!



Then last week I was out sniffing around a local thrift shop for some glass things to use in a craft project and I found a roll top computer desk for $25 (what!!?) yep and it was fully functioning and it had a lock, too!

So I got Herb to bring his van over and we snatched it up and took it home. It took a long time to get all the crap out of the old station and figure out where it was going to go – I’m amazed at the sheer amount of stuff we humans accumulate!

I already had a filing cabinet in the closet that I was using for old tax returns, stationary and dessert wine. I put the old tax returns in a plastic bin in the attic, and drank the wine. Then, a day later, I organized my files and other supplies in the filing cabinet, just like what it was designed for! I threw away sooooo much stuff like old owners manuals for equipment I didn’t even have anymore, notes and old disks with ancient sw or data.

Now I’m no Feng Shui expert, but I can tell you that whole room feels like it opened up and I can breath.  I look forward to getting busy on doing the things I’ve been meaning to do!

Much less clutter, more breathing room!

3rd 60 – Tuba Christmas 2011


It is just not the Christmas holiday until  Tuba Christmas heralds in the Holiday Season!

If you’ve never had the thrill of listening to 70+ tubas, sousaphones, euphoniums, baritones and other low brass instruments blaring out yuletide carols, you are really missing something wonderful and it is free to the public.

Started in the 70’s in New York City, there are about 250 Tuba Christmas happenings all over the country. I’d never heard of it till moving here and being as I am attracted to all things weird, I went to my first back in 2003. Haven’t missed one since.

Stan Howell founded our local concert 14 years ago and organizes it each year. His wife, Jean is the chorale master and leads us all in caroling. Our musicians this year ranged in age from 12 to 86 – what a great family hobby, eh?

Also known as the no rehearsal concert, any orchestra welcomes any player that shows up at show time. They’re all playing the same songs using the same arrangements in the same key (mostly B-flat). Wouldn’t it be great if more of life was like that – everybody welcome to play!

Our Tuba Christmas is always the first Saturday of December – that’s when my holidays start.

Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Melli-kliki Maki, Happy Solstice – the Great Spirit is there for all of us, in all its magical, mystical manifestations, the UNI-VERSE is truly one-song.  So let’s jingle all the way!

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